I want to start off by
saying this blog is about Cannabinoids being used to treat symptoms of a
Okay, so, what is a stroke?
A stroke is the lack of blood flow to the brain that causes the loss of rapid
brain function. A stroke can be one of two types (I don't think someone has
actually suffered from the two types...not at the same time at least, that
would be absolutely horrid). Type one (it is not actually called "TYPE
1" like in Type 1 Diabetes, I'm simply saying there are two types of
strokes) causes internal bleeding of the brain and it is known as a Hemorrhage.
The second is known as a ischemic stroke that is caused by a blockage of blood
flow somewhere in the body.
I don't currently have the
book with me, but I recall it saying that they tried using cannabis within 10
minutes of the actual stroke and it helped the patient with the symptoms. In
the link I will post, it says there have been studies that show cannabis can be
used up to 3 hours after the initial stroke has happened.
It also says that the
cannabis reduces inflammation (I'm assuming of the brain) and increases the
survival rates of neurons that normally cause brain damage caused by the
If a small dosage could do so much help, why isn’t this
being conducted on human yet? So far they’ve only been conducted on animals
which, of course, is helpful to the animal suffering –unless the strokes are
being induced by scientists, then that’s another story—but imagine the
prospects for us. It could mean saving thousands of lives and helping the
quality of those suffering.
In this video I’m going to share the video link (sorry, guys, I didn’t look on youtube this
time) I found on the same sight I found this info on…this Dr. suggests you EAT
the marijuana plant to receive the benefits from the plant. In studies done on
animals there’s been a 50% decrease of severity of stroke in the rats being
(p.s. you have to copy and paste the link to the address bar...sorry about that)
I won’t have a question this week, but I’m going to let you
tell me what you think about this idea about eating or using MJ to help treat